Stop the Junk mail

Want to eliminate unwanted junk mail from the over $40 billion industry? Try some of these options:

  • Catalog Choice – Register, free, easy to use, to  opt-out of catalogs’ mailing lists. I have been using for years and it works well with some catalogs – other companies disregard it.
  • ProQuo – Register, free opt out of several direct mail lists such as coupons, weekly circulars,  marketing lists and data brokers. They say they dont solicit your name but will allow you to “opt-in” to services for their advertisers.
  • GreenDimes – Pay for service (about $20/year)  but  guarantees to stop up to 90% of your junk mail; automatically takes your name from 5 of the largest mailers, allows you to choose others, and sends you pre-addressed, stamped postcards to send to others directly.
  • – Non-profit that covers your entire household for 5 years for about $41 but they donate 1/3 of the fee to environmental orgs. They claims to stop 80-95% of unwanted catalogs and junk mail.
  • – For $19.95 a year, they “Protect your Privacy and Stop Postal Junk Mail” all fully automated, covering catalogs, magazines, book clubs, non-profit mail for a whole household or small business. They also plant a tree for every new subscription.

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